Dear Friends,
This month has been really busy. Starting Jan 3, we have had teams in from all over the map….MI, OH, SC, IA, IL, FL, GA & OR. WOW!
So far we have had a medical team of two, with our frequent flier, Kyle Martin, on break from med school, and nurse friend, Kim Kirk that will be with us until Feb 7. She has been a blessing and helped tremendously in and out of the clinic.
Next, Stuart Kelly brought a team of Pastors and they put on a Pastors Conference and Elderly feeding program. It was very successful with about 30 Pastors in attendance. They also preached at La Saline and Grand Savann Church that Sunday.
Next, my Parents and Mme Beverly Carter came in to help where needed. We visited orphanages that needed food and Dad and Doug ended up working with Sove on both the Mazda and our truck. They were both NOT working and we were in panic mode knowing that we have many many teams coming in from now through July. We thought our truck might need a transmission and we prayed that it would be something else because of the expense. It ended up being the clutch which was much less then a transmission at $280 US. Mom and Beverly picked up my slack after finding out why I was feeling so sick and tired. Doug and I are pleased to announce that we are EXPECTING our first Baby in September. This week baby is now the size of a Kidney Bean! God’s timing for mom and Beverly to be here now was by no accident. I have been in sick since shortly after they arrived 3 weeks ago. They departed this am with so much accomplished including bible studies, 2 elderly feeding programs, and purchased 28 pairs of shoes for children nearby.
Next, were a few medical Doc’s, friends, and videographer that joined Board member Edsel Redden and his wife Jayne for a few days. They were able to travel to Boucan Carre to aid by distributing Beans and Rice and also spoiled us missionaries with Chocolate, goodies and much needed encouragement.
Next, was a team from Teresa’s church (our PA) lead by Pastor Bill Davis. They worked with Doug and Tingue so hard by completing the walls of the Grand Savann Church (GSC) and getting it prepared for the roof project to begin Feb 7. The congregation came out of the wood works to help. What we thought would take a week ended up taking only 3 days because of the extra hands. Pastor Bonito and Pastor Laguerre were in attendance everyday and were not wearing their suits and ties. They got dirty just like the rest! The whole village is praising God for sending a team to continue to work on GSC. Other team members helped get the new pharmacy caught up by counting pills, organizing and cleaning. There were two nurses that assisted Jim and Teresa. This team also painted the GH and it’s staring to look new! One highlight of the trip was village visiting and passing out baby layettes, explaining to new mommies how important it is to raise their baby in a church family. Our new full time missionary also arrived last week. Her name is Jenn Rogan and has lived in Haiti for about two years near Les Cayes. THANKFULLY she is fluent in Creole and ready to assist Dr. Jim and others in the clinic.
Our last group for January, lead by Bill Roen, has gone over the top to get things finished. They helped put the GH back together after painting last week. They cleaned finished the supply room with a new coat of paint. The clothing depot is cleaned, organized and ready for more needy to pass through. They also helped in the pharmacy and Pastor Anilus’ school. We also have a PA friend of Teresa’s, Sherry, in to assist in the clinic during this last week of Jan. On Thursday night we all plan to introduce s’mores to the college students with a campfire and fellowship. We hope it is quite an event!
With all that being said we have had many blessings. We would like to also share a few prayer requests with you.
1. Last night, around 11:30, we got a tap on the door from a friend saying that our Dean of Students, Deleon, could not talk to him. Doug and Mom grabbed flashlights and ran to his house. Doug found him unresponsive and staring into space with is jaws locked. Mom came back to me after unable to reach Dr. Jim by phone. We went to Dr.Teresa & Dr. Ryan and they came quickly. They needed to get him to the clinic so Dr. Jim and Sandy were aroused for their expertise and Tingue turned the generator on for lights. They all worked with Deleon as his wife, 2 yr old daughter and many friends were waiting in the hall. Dr’s said at this point there is not much that can be done but sent him to a Hospital in PAP for possible scans and tests. He has apparently had some sort of intracranial event, possibly a bleed. He is unresponsive, has left sided weakness. Please pray for God’s will on this.
2. We are still in need of a full time administrator here at Christianville. Please be praying for someone to want to serve here in this capacity. We are also looking for a full time English Academy Director/Teacher.
3. The CV school is still struggling for child sponsors and for food. Giving is down and that is hurting our school children and other programs that we have done in the past (pop corn ministry, elderly feeding). The organization in PAP that has always donated Beans and Rice to the school, has sent all their supplies to Gonaives for relief after the hurricanes in the fall. They still don’t have food for CV school and this is an additional $625/week to feed over 700 children. Right now we have funds for a few more weeks but after that, the children may not get the rice and beans. FISH ministries are still doing a great job providing fish, pork and eggs three days/ week but without the rice and beans 5 days per week the children will be hungry.
4. As the calendar continues to fill with teams coming in, we are in need of another vehicle for transportation. We are currently using the little Mazda, our truck and inconveniently borrowing one when teams come and go every week. Please be in prayer for funds to be raised or someone to donate towards this need.
January decisions for Christ: not totaled yet
Visitors to CV: 36
Thanks for your continued prayers and support!
Doug & Amy Reichley
Guest House & Field Coordinators
Christianville Foundation, Inc.
Gressier, Haiti
If you would like to send donations towards the needs at Christianville please send to:
PO BOX 24598