Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Arrived in Ohio
For those of you that haven't heard... Doug and I had to leave Haiti after God made an AMAZING provision for our family. After the Earthquake devastated Haiti on Tuesday Jan 12, 2010 we were told that all the official /adoption offices were leveled. We weren't sure what the future of Dor's adoption would be. We wondered if he would ever be adopted. Much emotion came in the days to follow not only about the adoption, but also because of the suffering being endured by everyone around us. We saw things we never thought possible....
With much help from Perk and Karen and the office of Congressmen Steve Austria (big thanks to Rachel working behind the scenes)We got word from Perk and Karen of a "humanitarian parole" This would allow people that were in the end stages of adoptions to have the adoption be stamped "APPROVED" in Haiti, and bring the child to the USA to complete the rest of the adoption stateside. We were not only able to get Dor's approved, but also Hope's (better known as "momma") All paperwork was done in the Embassy on Tuesday and Wednesday and we left on Thursday. This was the only way that we could continue with the adoption. Though we are VERY sad for leaving when we felt like we are needed by our Haitian people the most, we PRAISE God for giving us this blessing to continue the adoption. We know, God will bring us back to Haiti in His time.
After flying into Ft Piece, FL compliments of Hendricks Motorsports working with Missionary Flights International (MFI) alongside Haitian children HOPE(5ys), DOR(3yrs) AND MARTIN (16yrs)... we drove 2 hrs and then were able to stay with Hope's new family (David and Jenny Cowart) in FL on Thursday.{THANKS JENNY FOR THE HOSPITALITY} Then on to SC to drop off my mom, Rita on Friday and visit with my family. Another THANKS to Ruthie and Lynette for the food and snacks when we arrived. Dor sure loves his new family! Then on to Ohio Saturday night into Sunday morning...12 hrs! Sunday we were welcomed by Dougs family in the afternoon. Then our awesome friends April and Jezze then Gma and Gpa Dawson in the evening. After 8 days of sleeping outside, getting damp in the AM from the dew, then hot in the PM, and the dust and debris in the air, not to mention very little sleep, we all got sick. Monday, Doug and I saw our Dr. {THANKS Dr Moore for getting us in so fast and for all you do for our family!} We were also able to stop by the office and see the best gals in the world...REICHLEY INSURANCE, EDWARD JONES & DAVID LISTERMANS! Not to mention eating lunch at Chic Fillet and playing in the play house for the very first time with Dor. He LOVED IT! Tuesday we took the boys to the doctor to be checked out since they too have the yuckies. Shots for Grayson...yuck:( And Dor's turn next week. The boys are happy and are sleeping well.
We want to continue to ask for your prayers and support for the following:
The families of the loved ones still not found.
The homeless, hungry, grieving, lost.
The adoptive parents that have not found their babies or don't have them home yet.
For ALL missionaries still in country....for strength, emotional wellbeing, food, clean water.
FUNDRAISING- Doug and I start speaking and raising for NOW and the FUTURE of CV. We have been feeding and clothing and the awesome medical staff are working hard to provide medical care. Pray that this all continue and that aide continue.
We need to find a way to get a donated 25 ton John Deere Excavator from WV to Haiti. Also looking for other pieces of equipment to help demo and rebuild CV.
Jimmy "Shacky"(also know as "Elmers friend") gave his life to the Lord and was baptized on Sunday in WV.
Heather Gonzalez of FL gave her life to the Lord and was baptized in our clean Haitian creek last Sunday night with flashlights and headlights.
Hundreds are giving their lives to the Lord in our village alone...!!
God spared our short and long term missionaries from injury and death. 26 of us!
Extra Docs & hands showed up to CV ready to help. Jim and Sandy's daughter, Rachel & SIL, Phillip. Several from a mission in the North unaffected by the Quake. Board member, Edsel and several with him. They all brought supplies that were much needed! THANKS GUYS!
Other Missionaries are helping CV and our village by sending food, med supplies and lots of other stuff....THANKS JACMEL FRIENDS!!!
LOVE YOU ALL & more updates to come!
Doug Amy Dor and Grayson
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Almost home!
Keep praying for their journey to Ohio, everything should go smoothly but it is still a long haul. And of course don't stop praying for Haiti, they need all the help they can get!
Joining you in prayer,
Aunt Anna
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Yesterday Doug was able to get Dor's humanitarian parole approved at the Embassy. This means they (Rita, Doug, Amy, Grayson AND Dor) are all coming home! They are finishing a few things, trying to arrange to bring another child home to her adoptive family, and they will be on their way. Not sure how or when, but soon, hopefully Thursday.
Please continue to pray for them. Pray for their travels, but also for their hearts. It is very hard to leave their Haitian family (and the other missionaries) behind without knowing when they will see them again.
Joining you in prayer,
Aunt Anna
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saturday January 16th, earthquake update

Around 12:15pm a Coast Guard helicopter landed on our soccer field and asked for people who were critically injured or in danger. None of us are, Thanks to God! So the next step. I told him we have 16 visitors that need to get out. He told me he can get them to the PAP airport in groups of 3 in the next day or so. The first flight will be two of my American visitors and one critically injured Haitian. They will have food water and it is safely being run by the
Please continue to pray for:
We have a few people that are digging out supplies from our pharmacy so we can continue to help the sick and injured. We have run out of medical supplies so this is our only option so we can continue to help. We also have some medical supplies arriving on Monday. Pray that the after shocks don’t bring down that building.
Please pray that it doesn’t rain… because of the after shocks we are sleeping outside on mattresses or in trucks.
Some missionaries are still out looking for more food and supplies for ourselves so we can continue to help the Haitians in our area. Pray that the harvest is plentiful.
I will be updating as we have more info. Some of you are wanting to come to CV and lend a helping hand…. soon I will update to let you know how you can help in this way!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Earthquake Pictures
CV University Entrance

CV University dorm

Kindergarten building

High School

back of Wilkins apartment

side laceration

missionaries sleep outside

leg laceration

bilateral open fracture of ankles

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Earthquake update
Our water supply is damaged and it is a muddy brown color. We will have to find the resources to fix this promptly because water is a necessity but also because it is still over 90 degrees during the day here (in the 70's at night). We have some food but it won't last. We just need supplies, period.
Fortunately (and unfortunately) Jeff & Rita and Beverly Carter arrived here on Monday. They have been a huge help and the boys are happy to have two Grandmas to care for them. Tuesday night Nanny slept on the ground with Dor and Grayson because we could not sleep in the house with the aftershocks and uncertainty about structural damage. Most of CV has collapsed. Only our house, the church, and the guesthouse remain, but all are unstable. Val's orphanage collapsed but all of the children are safe and accounted for, they are staying in the chicken house!
We can not stay here like this for much longer. We will run out of supplies and it will be difficult if not impossible to buy more because of the demand right now. We need your prayers! We know they are working but keep them coming. We also will need A LOT of help to rebuild and continue to minister to the people here.
I know people want to help Haiti, especially now. And I know you all feel helpless so many miles away but you can help. You can't send food or water, but you can send money so we can buy supplies if they are available and eventually materials to rebuild. The best way to do that is through a non-profit that Jeff and Rita set up. I'll include their address and please know that every donation makes a difference and that 100% goes to Haiti.
I love you all and can feel your prayers.
God Bless,
Haitian Christian Projects (HCP)
808 Ophir Street #7
Moncks Corner SC 29461